IF THE FILES YOU HAVE JUST UNZIPPED IN THIS PACKAGE ARE NOT ORGANIZED IN SUBFOLDERS, THEN YOU MUST EXTRACT THE ARCHIVE AGAIN AND CHECK THE "USE FOLDER NAMES" BOX IN WINZIP. THIS OPTION CAN BE FOUND RIGHT BEFORE YOU SAVE THE UNZIPPED FILES AFTER YOU PRESS EXTRACT IN THE CLASSICAL INTERFACE. IF YOU HAVE A WEB BROWSER (NETSCAPE, INTERNET EXPLORER, ETC.) YOU SHOULD SKIP THIS DOCUMENT AND BEGIN EYEPOPPERS BY OPENING START.HTM IN THAT APPLICATION. NO NEED TO READ ON. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A WEB BROWSER, READ THE TEXT BELOW. YOU CAN FIND THE EYEPOPPERS ORGANIZED AS STATED IN THE DIRECTORY "POPPERS." ----------------------------------------------------------- webslingerZ website EyePoppers Set 3 EyePoppers website view view by Giles C. Hendrix and view EyePoppers EyePoppers webslingerZ, Inc. EyePoppers reds and greens and blue browns greys EyePoppers are sets of freeware patterns developed by Giles C. Hendrix at webslingerZ, Inc. Each one is a beautiful and functional seamlessly tiled 3D pattern. This document is a companion to the third set. To get the first two sets, go to the EyePoppers website . At the website, you can even get a new texture every week day . Read on to find out more . . . Thank you for downloading this freeware. The only thing I ask is that you visit my websites at the URLs above and email me at the following address: ghendrix@webslingerZ.com This is not an actual application. It is simply a set of 40 seamlessly tiled patterns with an easy to use HTML interface. The patterns are great for desktops, web backgrounds, web graphics, and 3D models. This cross-platform package is FREE and available at the EyePoppers website in Mac, Windows, and UNIX friendly compressed archives. To use these patterns, copy them from the pages that follow right from your browser and paste them into your favorite graphics applications. Click and hold down the mouse button down on the GIF (Mac), or click the right mouse button on the GIF (Windows, UNIX), to save or copy the pattern. The "color" groupings above are purely for organizational purposes and do not hold to any steadfast rule. [The Texture of the Day] The EyePoppers website offers a new pattern every weekday! None of these textures are in the EyePoppers sets, so remember to watch the page every day. A link to http://www.webslingerZ.com is all we ask for in return. EyePoppers Desktop Patterns .1998 by Giles C. Hendrix and webslingerZ, Inc.